

Bij Michael en bij Jesus_ vond ik “What is?”

Een kleine zoeksessie leverde resultaten op waar u ongetwijfeld al lang op zit te wachten:

Kerygma is a Greek word which means proclamation.

Kerygma is both a message and an event; it is an act of linguistic.

Kerygma is pure myth.

Kerygma is sure to please any fan of extreme music.

Kerygma is not for everyone.

Kerygma is “deeply satisfying”.

Kerygma is proclaimed to all the world.

Kerygma is about telling the story.

Kerygma is the foundation.

Kerygma is the key to everything_message.

Kerygma is only the beginning – you have to make disciples as well.

Kerygma is also characterised by a sense of interpenetration.

Kerygma is our judge.

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